Tuesday, October 9, 2018

Week 5: the Middle East

Quiz on Week 1-4

Chinese name____________  English Name ____________  Student number_________________
Choose one answer! ㄅ points each
_____1. What is US policy on the status of Taiwan? A. Taiwan is part of the Republic of China   B.  Taiwan is part of the People’s Republic of China  C. Taiwan’s status has not been decided.  D. Taiwan is an independent state
_____2. The ROC government and PRC government decided to claim the Diaoyutai/Senkakus in the late 1960s because ….   A. oil and gas had been found there   B. The US invited them to claim the islands.  C. The US was finished with them  D. Japan wanted to give them up.
_____3. Dongsha Island was first developed for bird shit by a person from…  A. the US  B. France  C. China   D. Japan
_____4. In the 1930s the ROC government gave names to the Spratly Islands that were based on…  A. Maps the English gave them from Hong Kong  B. Maps the Americans gave them from Manila  C. Maps the Japanese gave them  D. Ancient Chinese maps
_____ 5. Before 1900, maps from China …  A. Showed that the South China Sea islands were part of China  B. Showed that the South China Sea was full of islands belonging to England.  C. Showed no islands and did not say the sea was part of China  D. Showed islands belonging to the local peoples.
_____6. Before 1971, the ROC government defined the northernmost point of Taiwan as….  A. The Diaoyutai/Senkakus  B. Pengjia Island   C. Keelung Island.  D. Green Island
_____7. Which two important treaties define the current international status of Taiwan?  A. The San Francisco Peace Treaty and SALT II    B.  The San Francisco Peace Treaty and the Treaty of Shimonoseki   C. The San Francisco Peace Treaty and the Treaty of Paris   D.  The San Francisco Peace Treaty and the Treaty of Taipei

Answer in short paragraph. Three points

8. The Chinese are building islands in the South China Sea. Why?

in which we touch on the middle east....

Video: spread of islam

Vox.com: forty maps that explain the Middle East

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